Who pays for the village TV aerial?

The NLVG is responsible for maintaining the village's TV aerial and cable network. To fund any work that is required they collect an annual  fee of £35 for each unit which can receive a signal.

The hotel pays 49 fees for TVs in  the hotel, waterhouses and hostel.

New Lanark Holmes pays 45 fees for their tenanted properties. The fee is collected from tenants in their rent.

Last year we had twenty privately owned properties in Braxfield Row, Long Row and Double Row which could receive the TV signal. One property in Braxfield Row was not connected to the system.

One of the twenty was not asked to pay because it provides electrical power for part of the system.

Two properties are vacant.
Twelve properties paid.

Five Braxfield Row properties did not pay. At least one Braxfield Row property did not pay because it did not use the signal.

The NLVG's aerial fund has a balance of £24,263 in July 2019 with a further  £2,000+ yet to be received.

Note - the NLVG is only responsible for the TV system. It has nothing to do with the telephone/internet system. That is the responsibility of BT and other telephone/internet providers.

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